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Honoring the stories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

The project documents the lives and stories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and their contributions to their local communities and society at large. This project uncovers and illuminates hidden narratives that have long been obscured by otherness for far too long.

Explore the Digital Archive


Kamiko x Anna Macan

Home” was composed and written by Kamiko and Anna, a tribute to AAPI Perspectives as it weaves in themes of family and community healing. It was recorded and filmed live in the Japanese American Museum of San José.


Executive Producer: Ellina Yin @ellinayin, Japanese American Museum of San José @jamsofficial. Co-Producers: Haley Cardamon @sanjoseday, Jason Hoang @alphagritcreatives. Director: Jason Hoang @alphagritcreatives

Chapters for AAPI Perspectives

There are four chapters associated with AAPI Perspectives Oral History and Activism. Each chapter has free grade-span appropriate lesson plans available for educators to use.

Narrative & Identity

Narrative & Identity

Lessons in this module address questions of cultural identity development through narrative storytelling.

Systems & Power

Systems & Power

Lessons in this module address how power structures shape systems that serve to produce and maintain intersectional inequities.

Joy & Cultural Resistance

Joy & Cultural Resistance

Lessons in this module highlight the joy and beauty that can emerge from community activation and building, special attention is placed on acts of cultural resistance.

Transformation & Change

Transformation & Change

Lessons in this module center upon the possibilities of transformation and change amidst challenges born through structural inequities and systemic racism.

Brought to you by

County of Santa Clara JAMsj San Jose State University